ALL THESE WORDS which really mean something are fading away Whose life is this anyway? Stop listening to what they have to say. I have faith in the words we said but its useless if we dont use our heads. I can't see, I want to know whats in your mind what could you show Yes! I still believe and I dont want to THROW IT AWAY TIME This time we wont lose sight TIME What Ill keep by my side Where is the message? what is it about? Tell me the point what its worth to be proud Its so easy to point fingers, to criticize. But while everyone is laughing the spirit dies! I can't see, I want to know whats in you mind what could you show Yes! I still believe And i dont want to THROW IT AWAY Are we all mute, cant we speak things out and express the ideas we really think about? I am sick of hearing these faceless words Cause there is more for me than COUNTING THE WORST I SET MY MIND FREE I SET MY MIND FREE