Maisey Rika

Repeat Offender

Maisey Rika

Repeat repeat offender
Through the generations
Who the hell are we supposed to blame?
My people are the ones who suffer
Repeat repeat offender
Through the generations
Like zombies we conform to foreign laws
Society's the one to blame blame blame blame

This is a song for my people
'nga tangata whenua o Aotearoa'
kia tupato! Please kia tupato! (be careful)
They will never understand
The spiritual connections
We have with our land
Money talks, our land walks
It’s our children who miss out
Keep strong my people, keep strong, keep strong
He Maori, he Maori, he Maori ahau

Repeat repeat offender
Through the generations
Why don't you grow a brain
And then you'll come to see
This was not the path meant for me yeah

Repeat repeat offender, through the generations
Like zombies we conform to foreign laws
Society's the one to blame blame blame blame

k whawhai tonu matou, mo ake, ake, ake
(We will fight together forever)
whatu ngarongaro he tangata toi tu te whenua
(Man come and go, but the land stands forever)
ka whawhai tonu matou, mo ake, ake, ake, ake