Take 2 You ready? Are you recording this? No Woah You ready? Take 3 Ready? Don't be afraid I'd like to meet you Where the hell are ya? Lets hear some phone calls! 555-2150 Le-What about you people in labor? Come on, every-every Friday night we've been sponsoring a wobbly hour We've had an old weird wobbly guy who worked the IWW back in the 20s and stuff Lets back us up, we're in the same boat 555-2150 It's us against the world, lets go! Lets beat the world tonight Come on, sheet metal people, where are you? Ok, St. Mark's for girls I'll give a kiss to every girl from St. Mark's that calls Pledge us some money, come on! You're some good-lookin' chicks You got some handles over there You mothers! You young mothers that are still up The baby's cryin' We-wh-who, we're the only stations' got a radio daycare center, ya know? We got a girl that comes in here and, ya know, keeps the kids in their place Shut up! Sit down! That kinda' stuff And it works! Cause' the kids listen to the radio, and respect the radio Now why don't you show a little bit of respect Give me a phone call at 555-2150 Call Ob! Give a couple of bucks Do you want to hear radio again? Ya know What if you woke up some morning and there was no radio It sounds like the beginning of a short story, ya know But uh 1984 isn't that far away!