One rainy morning feeling down in my health I was thinking of ways to improve myself Being young I was on the dole With time on my hands to search my soul I tried Gestalt and female liberation I also tried I Ching and meditation I went to India through Marakesh My Guru said that life is like a fish It's just a wish God squad write a brochure God squad post it today God squad no risk or obligation God squad a real give-away Marijuana, Mescalin and mushrooms gave me hope To save the whale I gave up soap I was seeking truth in a brandy glass When astrology led me to a yoga class Down on a health farm hydro I met a girl She said "It's all in your head, it's attitudinal" I went jogging for pleasure, jogging for fun Then I read my way through Freud and Jung and Mao Tse Tung God squad unbeatable value God squad whiter than white God squad great bargain offer God squad at discount price I paid for a course of est and gave up meat Another step forward on shoeless feet I lived on brown rice and fresh air It's hard sometimes but I'm getting there I'm almost there God squad immediate delivery God squad sale or return God squad credit facility God squad money to burn God squad take on a test drive God squad try it for size God squad get it on approval God squad go on, give it a try