Machines Of Loving Grace

Right Of Shiva

Machines Of Loving Grace

Tabbed By Mike Kirby and Bucky La Dieu
BTC'd Bucky La Dieu

This is close but nowhere near perfect.
Use a pick to get that percussive 'twangy' sound.
I play it either standard tuning (E A D G) or 
everything tuned a half step down (D# G# C# F#).
I left the solo out.

Riff 1


Riff 2



Riff 3


Riff 4



Riff 1	x4

Riff 2	x2

Riff 3	x8

Riff 2  x1

Riff 4  x1

Riff 5	x2

Riff 2	x1

Riff 3	x7


Riff 4	x1

Riff 5	x5

Riff 3	x7 with a pluck & slide at the end

Riff 5	repeat until end improvising more and more


                Created using the Bass Tab Creator
     __         by Mario D'Alessio (motcid!marble!dalessio)
   +|oo|+       Notes:  w = Whole  h = Half  q = Quarter
     ||                 e = 8th    s = 16th  t = 32nd  x = 64th
     ||                 Capital durations are dotted notes
     ||                   (equal to 1.5 times the duration value)
     ||             #
     ||         +----+                   +----+
  _  ||  _      |*--*+  = MEASURE        |4:--|  = TIME
  \\_||_//      |*--*+    REPEATS        |4:--|    SIGNATURES
   | [] |       +----+   (#=Num Repeats) +----+
   | || |
  /  []  \      + = TIE         ^  = TRIPLET           > = BEND
  \______/      H = HAMMER ON   \  = SLIDE TO FRET     R = Rest
                P = PULL OFF    \X = SLIDE TO NOWHERE  ~ = Trill