There's nothing in this place that excites me anymore I long only for nightmares, for apocalypse and war I'm bored out of my skull, let's play a different game Let's pay a visit down below and cast the world in flames There is beauty in fire when all lights are out And there's truth in all things we've learned to live without The devil in the doorway is defined within our blood But we can always play and make believe A wondrous design, a bored and brutal mind So ready to inflict his sense of justice on mankind A fly upon the wall, I watch as he evolves And follow as the world around him steadily dissolves And in the world beyond this day there will be faith no more The certainty of your new God, is all you need to know This not the peace you had in mind? The one you waited for? There is no land beyond his law, there is no place to go Nowhere outside the world of Light