200 years from now, no one will care that you existed Except of course, that you leave your footprints on the sands of time The legacy you left, the changes you brought, the hearts you touched These will be the only proof that you lived Your destiny is by choice, not by chance If you do not fight for it, you will not attain it The questions that plague humanity Why am I here on earth? And why was I born? Is it an empty fallacy to believe that I exist for a divine purpose? Or am I truly fashioned and designed by a supreme entity? What is destiny anyway? Is it some hocus, pocus psychic ideology that the weak use to escape reality? Or is just man’s own creativity drawn into a pattern To depict that we are more than natural beings? Or is it truly a tangible reality left unrevealed to the senses? If truly, I am created by God and put here on earth by him Then my destiny must be the creator’s intention for his creation The preordained purpose of a thing, the very reason why I was born Trees, fish, land nature Did all of these just accidentally fall into place Or are all the pre calculated, premeditated spiritual outflows of a divine entity? Surely he has made his infallible esteemed nature obvious in the things he has created Every blink and brink of nature placed so perfectly in place To allow synchrony of every insect, plant and fish which each’s role to play Just like pesticides were made for weeds and medicines were made for the sick God has created you that though your deeds, you might meet a need Your destiny is defined and determined by God almighty But it’s up to you to make it reality Your destiny is your earthly mission Packaged in your mind as a God-given ambition Woven by the threads of your vision Fuelled by an inner drive called passion To move you from oppression to your destination So stop asking for approval and permission God alone has made provision for your vision If you got the will and determination Then prosperity shall be your portion If you believe now, make the decision Step out of doubt and take action Start now, no contemplation Doubt is the enemy’s greatest deception There is a seed inside of you that needs germination A dream that yearns for realization But fear and shame keep it from expression And slowly you shrink and miss the audition Where vision and action make the decision To rise against opposition, we will change this nation I don’t care if you are so poor you work at a bus station With vision and action comes provision For completion of mission and transportation to destination This nation is not in the hands of those in big positions It’s in the hands of the 19-year-old boy working in the park under harsh condition Thinking he has no other option Or the 23 year-old girl struggling Thinking she needs accreditation to change her nation Or the 68 year-old man who has to beg for his pension Whom in all frustration, curses his nation What is your contribution, congregation? To a nation where remission and depression are not regarded as violation The gold of our earthly walk lies beyond the enticement of money and mansions If you think possessing worldly possessions is your function? Then your perception is an abomination Seek divine direction And through divine inspiration You will arise to God’s expectation Christianity is not religion Christ didn’t come that we might have a denomination But he came to alleviate condemnation bring forth redemption Establish justification and sanctification Now you attained salvation Well, look around, is there celebration? Creation is still groaning for your manifestation So stop blaming the government for your situation For such acts prompt the almighty to provocation ‘Cause you do not understand that over this nation, you have dominion And you are the most valuable part of the equation I’m saying that you can change this nation Is that just a stupid assertion? Or false speculation? Or can you truly be the revolution? The answer is yes But as of now, live a life of distinction Accept correction and embrace submission You do not have to be a pastor to do ministration Or a priest to believe your life is a vocationk Start your project, commence your business, sing your song, whatever God will handle your formation Start now! Or you might never start Enough hesitation, today is graduation Enough poverty and humiliation Welcome to maturation Gets up now and be the elevation Take precaution but avoid too much caution Stay focused in all concentration And let your breakfast always be meditation Regardless of your situation God is sending the connections So let thoughts of doubt and fear not be your portion ‘Cause he who started this good work will bring it to completion He will be there from introduction to conclusion until you arrive your destination