The one-eyed tattoo artist arrives at a sushi sunset. Walks right on over to my spot say's listen girl one hot sec. Mmm java jive man alive gotta keep on climbing `til I get real high poets in my head, Prada on my feet this ain't your average tourist, know what I mean. Global salsa. Love and laughter. Gonna have to get on down to Bohemia. Global salsa. Love and laughter. Gonna hafta Take you down to Bohemia. I walk into the Boneyard an Angel looks up to me says get up off your island or you ain't in my movie. Mmm charcoal black, blood on the tracks I hitched a ride on a love train, I ain't comin' back I walk through streets of fire, no shoes on my feet. A walk on the wildside, know what I mean. Global salsa. Love and laughter. Gonna have to get on down to Bohemia. Global salsa. Love and laughter. Morning after