Hey vanessa! Won't you dance with me? Hey vanessa! Tell me what's on your mind? Hey vanessa! You drive me crazy like...cha-cha-cha-cha! Hey vanessa! Won't you dance with me? Hey vanessa! Tell me what's on your mind? Hey vanessa! You drive me crazy like...cha-cha-cha-cha! Yume no naka de kakemeguru girl, dare who? Baketa futsuu no ko, kamera no lens no mukou ni Stand shiteru model mitai da wao! Tsuitsui...midareru to, ba wo wakimaezu ni "gao!" Konya wa futari de night owl, muda ke shori shina yo Deeto da, to the breakadawn Tomannai! Kimi no shisen, like a drive-by Toorima eyes, hitome de bang! Tekichuu (bye!) Purezento, kimatten daro, claro! Hidarite no kusuriyubi, hyaku karatto Prrring!!! Rettsu sutaato Futari de chicago, that's my waado Parasoru de skydive ekusutorabaganza Setagaya nanbaa no roketto hassha! Tick tick...hanabi bang! De chiki-chiki-bang! Kono yo no mono ja nai girl...you make me say... Daaaaamn! Hey vanessa! Won't you dance with me? Hey vanessa! Tell me what's on your mind? Hey vanessa! You drive me crazy like...cha-cha-cha-cha! Hey vanessa! Won't you dance with me? Hey vanessa! Tell me what's on your mind? Hey vanessa! You drive me crazy like...cha-cha-cha-cha! Yokoso koko e paradaisu ginga Wasei guramaa sutaa daiichi gou Kanojo ni meromero butter Ihou kopii shitara oshioki, homie! Morinaga rabu romansu Bakansu Kore afuro ja nai Asutorokyuuban (do dat do dat) Karada wo kunekune Kimi wa suteki na word to da mutha! Dekakeru toki wa wasurezu ni Katate ni motsu kizai wa sp (sp) Electric shower We're all out of power A little... A little... A little bit of time with you tonight make me say... Daaaaamn! Hey vanessa! Won't you dance with me? Hey vanessa! Tell me what's on your mind? Hey vanessa! You drive me crazy like...cha-cha-cha-cha! Hey vanessa! Won't you dance with me? Hey vanessa! Tell me what's on your mind? Hey vanessa! You drive me crazy like...cha-cha-cha-cha! Yeah, right about now Make no mistake... I breath-take Goshimei arigatou ne! Koko kara saki puraibeeto Puropetii, follow me-follow me Kasei ni real estate Futari de 15 minutes of fame nan darou? Mukau dance floor Watch this sound, beesu ni takeo On the drums papa-san, break it down! Yeah On the guitar...we got shu-chan Baritone sax...we got yuki-san...you know what I'm sayin'? Trombone... We got kou And my main man on the tenor sax...shintarou...yeah Shake it baby, shake it now, shake it like this... Shake it baby, shake it now, shake it like this... Ladies & gentlemen! Put your hands together for the Bloodest saxophone!!! Hey vanessa! Won't you dance with me? Hey vanessa! Tell me what's on your mind? Hey vanessa! You drive me crazy like...cha-cha-cha-cha! Hey vanessa! Won't you dance with me? Hey vanessa! Tell me what's on your mind? Hey vanessa! You drive me crazy like...cha-cha-cha-cha! Hey vanessa! Won't you dance with me? Hey vanessa! Tell me what's on your mind? Hey vanessa! You drive me crazy like...cha-cha-cha-cha! Hey vanessa! Won't you dance with me? Hey vanessa! Tell me what's on your mind? Hey vanessa! You drive me crazy like...cha-cha-cha-cha!