Ashamed fool I see you/I call you/But then/I Turn my back I'm so ashamed/It's Not alright If you Think/I'm lame/It's okay But let's/not/Get far away I don't/even know You well/anyway But then/I'll be your Friend/Because I'm So ashamed/Girl To tell/how/I feel For you It's good/But it's not cool/ See I call it/ Be a fool/ And this is not over Yet/ Chorus: And so many ways/To tell it I waste/Well you Don't see/I'm going To say it/ But kill me/If it's not true Cause/I have many clues And I have /I've discovered I'm A fool/*3 And now/I see you/In your date He kissed you/And I can't Believe it/ All this/Is killing I see around And smile I say hello/Are you alright? What a things/ To think about/ But I just feel/ Fucked up So get me out/right now I'm ashamed/once again It's stupid/but it's ok And this is over yet/ And so many ways/To tell it I waste/Well you Don't see/I'm going To say it/ But kill me/If it's not true Cause/I have many clues And I have /I've discovered I'm A fool/*3