Tom: A E We don't have no plastic L.A. Friends, D ain't on the edge of no popular trend. A E Ain't never seen the inside of that magazine G___Q___. E We don't care if you 're a lawyer, or a texas oil man, D or some waitress busting ass in some liquor stand. A E If you got _Soul_ ... we hang out with people just like you___ D My hair's turning white, A my neck's always been red, E my collar's still blue, Bm we've always been here F#m just trying to sing the truth to you. D Yes, you could say____ A we've always been____, E Red, White, and Blue____ and so on ... P.S. Change between E and E7 (A and A7/Em) when E (A) is noted ;-) E|---------------------------------| Tabbed by