Lydia Lunch


Lydia Lunch

They outlawed everything that spelled pleasure.
Didn't want you to even think about it.
Wanted you to forget everything about how good it felt.
It was all so obvious why...too dangerous.
And what exactly was going to happen.
It was easy, so easy.
It wasn't met with much resistance.
Revolt didn't come til much, much later.
After the damage had already been done.

It all happened so quickly.
Or did it take forever?
I lost track of time
Got swallowed up in the Rush, the Push, the Panic, the Pain.
The Poison.
Dying and trying to stay alive.
I'm driving 365 MPH through a brick abutment.
The road to nowhere is covered with shit, with drunks, with drugs, with fuck.
It sucks.

I see a 452-mile long forest fire that your plane crashes into at 2
in the morning.
I laugh at shopping mall murders, abortion clinics, earthquakes and the plague.
I'm living in a nuthouse on the outskirts of a pig farm.
I was lying when I said I was lying.
I'm not easing into anything
I don't want to ease in.
I see bombs bursting in air, rifles ricocheting off the bellies of pregnant women, handicapped children poisoned on a school bus, crumbling cities polluted beyond recognition.
Carcinogenic hallucinations, terminations.
Where all the killers are heroes, I'm the Queen of cripples; one armed bandits, one eyed jacks and dead cats.

The ambulance comes crashing into my daydreams...
reminding me of the way it used to be
how good it used to feel
hacksaws jimmying for position
the crack of bat against bone
the smell of burning rubber
broken glass, mud slicks, slagheaps
blistering fevers
slot machines, submachine guns
The Circle of Abuse
I'm forced into it
I'm forced into it
a Real Live Mind Fuck
I need it
I need it
I want it
I'm trap inside the perfect torture chamber
Thrown into a mental institution for famous movie stars
dead by the '60's...
wish you were here
wish you were here
wish I was somewhere else
wish I was somewhere else
stupid people overpopulate this place
and the steel walls come crashing in.