We will wander with our crew until the worlds burn, Sailing to doom in dragons of the sea I stand upon the rolling prow Salt spray on my face Gods of the sea, bless our journey, As the oars pull them to plunder! The years have been kind, And the gods have been gracious Many riches for the lord, and few have gone to Odhinn. Only now do I realize, as Loki passes by, This is the end for me. We will wander with our crew until the worlds burn, Sailing to doom in dragons of the sea. Through the depths of the storm Surtur's fire blows the ship The sails of Ragnar, son of Sturl are nowhere to be seen An evil glow on the horizon appears like a funeral pyre The whisper of a dead man's soul only sound on the frozen air… They stare at us as Naglfar passes The dead crew of th'infernal ship It strikes like steel through my heart, They have another purpose! There is a battle on Vigrid's plain Where the gods will die And this ship-made from dead men's nails- Carries the Trickster there