Draped between white-light morality and field of intellectual freedom Torn between the deceitful safety of the past and simplistic chaos of future On his knees praying to an illusion he never believed, his confusion self-evident His fragile mortal soul not able to carry the weight of the truth He samples the freedom beyond the cross Neither dark nor light Mental equilibrium in prolific chaos Mesmerized by the jewel beset ceiling The night sky holds all answers A quickening of his conceptions yields key to the door of unbounded possibilities The deafening sound of universal secrets, expose the frailties of his past He samples the freedom beyond the cross Neither dark nor light Mental equilibrium in prolific chaos No longer able to hide behind the cross, he finally finds himself A truth not meant for all, the strong prevail to new heights of perception The evidence of the enlightenment not visible to the feeble flock Stepping from their presence, leaving only a veil of confusion