Here I am: Joseph the virgin -- born, Betrayed for 20 pieces of silver, Brother of the dozen, divine since I was 30, Died at 33, took three days to be born again Here I am: Jesus the virgin -- born, Betrayed for 30 pieces of silver, Teacher of the dozen, divine since I was 30, Died at 33, took three days to be born again ...while the world is mourning in sorrow no afterthought No hope for great transformation Why don't you question tomorrow? World will not change its way Eternal existence in dogma was it your concept..? And maybe... on a long winter night In the silence of your space You will start to Immerse in infinity Of your mind, and try to see... And your thoughts will start to rise and rise to the sun With hope you will look up to the sky And the shine of life star will blind you with your own stupidity! A new model of pagan culture? And I just ask you: Who looks at the sun? The antihuman! I summon all the elements May the winds raffle the oceans And volcanoes release the fire from my inside ...and beneath the shroud of ash new seeds will soon sprout Shall it be!!! Here I am: moses, they put me on a raft And sent me downstream Saving me from infanticide I was found by the king's daughter And brought up to be a prince Here I am: Misses, Who brought the stone tablets My god's imperatives Here I am: Minos, I descended the dicta And brought Zeus's sacred laws ...while the world is mourning in sorrow no afterthought No hope for great transformation Why do not you question tomorrow? World will not change its way Eternal existence in dogma was it your concept of life? I curse the successive law -- givers!