Diabolical sorcerer, open the grave Diabolical sorcerer, draw the magic circle Diabolical sorcerer, unearth the dead Ravens clouding the woods Filling up the air with lugubrious melodies The forest is all darkness Only one dreadful red light Showing the eyes of Hell Devilish litanies coming uo and down Sometimes with laughs, sometimes with tears The ravens are cawing, annoucing the beginning of the ceremony By the mysteries of death, by the light of Lucifer I conjure you, Spirit of Hell, to arise By the agonies of the damned, I conjure you to answer My demands and obey me, in pain and everlasting torment In the name of all the powers of Hell Diabolical sorcerer, now you're satisfied Diabolical sorcerer, give the reward Diabolical sorcerer, let them burn to ashes and rest for eternity