My qualm with this song, take notes, im thinking this fleeting moment of your enjoyment will pass and even if this ambiance did not stop until the earth quit spinning you'd eventually bore of it, and implore of us that we do not continue if you tried to write nines, until there were no nines in time, you'd die, and you wouldn't not finish. the only difference in infinacy between God and us us our own imprisonment in time God can i please fast forward fast forward to the best parts? and then God can i please rewind rewind to the beginning? My hands, my head, my neck is sweating the seconds drip from the clock like a broken tap and if you try to plug the leak with anything it only leaks much faster and you know that someday, the valve will break and your watermain will unleash on your bathroom and ive got a lot of shit to do and i dont have time to schedule THAT in any time soon. the only difference in infinacy between God and us us our own imprisonment in time God can i please fast forward fast forward to the best parts? and then God can i please rewind rewind to the beginning? a whisper, an answer, i tremble, you pause just tell me it is not in vain you'll never forget me cause these moments, my moments, i want them, their mine and if you bury them with me i'll never forgive you who cares if my time is wasted, you don't use it! its nothing all i can be is all there is, was and will be. the only difference in infinacy between God and us us our own imprisonment in time God can i please fast forward fast forward to the best parts? and then God can i please rewind rewind to the beginning?