regrets no more! growing up (up) never was my thing i saw the signs, passed the time, and pretended to fit in what the fuck is potential? i'll do what i believe in in a society that makes me wanna puke, i let my guard down one too many times so sick of falling back down and having to get back up again and i don't know my name anymore these days and i don't know who i am anymore these days hey! i don't know what's happening to me hey! i'll never know where i belong [jeff from asob] thanks a lot to all the books i've read cause i graduated underskilled and overeducated bitching bout' the system while i'm working in a basement my minimum wage lifestyle is an embarrassment we've all got that friend in a famous band we've all got that friend who will never understand why we'll never be the kids who climb the ladder up to management we're idiot's with molotov's screaming "fuck the government!"