My female messiah, So glad that you came. Your presence has touched me, My religion has changed. I'm walking on water, You strengthen my faith Feels like I feel you In each drop of rain, rain, rain Just like a perfect work of art, Picasso on display, Girl you are my inspiration You're my idol, On the bible Girl I must confess, Your love is the best. You're my idol, And only I know, How to worship you girl I'll never leave I'll never leave That's where I will be That's where I will be Your love's like a temple, So sacred and precious, You have my heart, And that's my confession I found the truth and I found it in you. Everything you teach me I'll use You're like a perfect work of art, Picasso on display, Girl you are my inspiration You're my idol, On the bible Girl I must confess, Your love is the best. You're my idol, And only I know, How to worship you girl I just can't figure out what to say You're my idol, On the bible Girl I must confess, Your love is the best. You're my idol, And only I know, How to worship you girl I'll never leave I'll never leave That's where I will be That's where I will be In the vision I saw you I couldn't even breathe In all of the universe Tell me how long it'll really be HOW LONG WILL IT TAKES UUUUUUUSSSSSSSS?! You're my idol, On the bible Girl I must confess, Your love is the best. You're my idol, And only I know, How to worship you girl I'll never leave You're my idol, On the bible Girl I must confess, Your love is the best. You're my idol, And only I know, How to worship you girl I'll never leave I'll never leave That's where I will be That's where I will be