By your own definition no need to quantify your own set of convictions that you choose to live by! Your fall from grace foreshadowed by those you would deny the time of day before you fell victim to your pride! Revel in the cesspool of what you once found so repugnant my loathing for your kind almost too much for me to stomach. Your soapbox dashed to pieces those you scorned now turn and laugh true to themselves, now what they've earned respect that you won't ever have! Blinded! By your own self-righteousness ignoring simple truths your condescension's numerous despite your youth! So easy to put down others when you know not where your heart dwells. So easy to see through people who make spectacles of themselves. Created for self-realization constant elevation misused for separation from reprobate contamination. Take time out for self-exploration and education our goal will be towards unification unfettered by miscommunication. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone! Embrace our similarities, time to set the tone! Celebrate our own diversity, let this truth be known! Then, and only then, can we call this world our own!