Loch Lomond

Bird And A Bear I Am The Bird

Loch Lomond

Tom: D

D                                  G
I never learned how to spin plates on sticks
D                                 G                                                D
But i have a coat that makes me look just like a bird
G                        D       G
Just like a bird
D                                        G
Whenever I go running in it people they smile
D                                   G                               D
Especially when I throw bird feet into the air
Into the air
A                           E
But on the surface I look warm
A                          E
But on the surface I look warm
A                                                    E
But underneath that is wool and water
A                                                                E
And underneath the water and wool I am cold


D                            G
I have a friend who looks like a bear
D                             G
Whenever he throws his big hands into the air
D                                         G
People tend to leave
                   D                     G
And people tend to cry
D                          G
He lives in a cave right down the street
D                                                 G
And this time of year you'd think he'd be asleep
But he's not
                G                                                 D          G
He's admiring his porcelein spoon collection
His porcelein spoon collection
A                                          E
But on the surface he looks cold
A                                         E
But on the surface he looks cold
A                                                   E
But underneath that is cotton and candy
A                                                                   E
And underneath the candy and cotton he is gold


D                                          G
I never learned how to spin plates on sticks
D                                                 G
And I never learned how to spin plates on sticks
      D                          G
And I never learned
A                       E
But oh we are friends
A                               E
Together we have partners
A                                                        E
I'll make him laugh and he keeps me safe
A                                                                E
Well I'll make him laugh and he keeps me clean