Local Porn Star

All I Know

Local Porn Star

Last night I had a dream with visions so bright but what do they scream?
One billion people pointing at me, through their TV screens with remote control laser beams.
Push button, station change, new scene, picture glow, people miss their lives and they never even know,
Wardrobe switch doesn't make the mind grow, When the channels change it's the same ole' show.

Slumbers not an option for me,
Can't take back these dreams.

What's in a metaphor? Fall into the sequence, always left wondering... 

Without dreams we'd just be sleeping,
Eyes shut tight devoid of keeping,
Conscienceness and all that's left,
Waking hours wasted with,
Assine advice from idol lives,
Who'd never understand,
'Cause they never tired,
To live their lives outside of the status quo...
These dreams are all I know.

Commerical breaks is what it takes, in this world that we create.
Shunned to the side anyone from this path who shall deciate.
Tempting thoughts to throw it it all away, give it up, give it in, you'll never have your day.
Life dictated by what everyone else will say, all thrown away.

I'll not take back promises to myself,
I wont' take.

There is a word that is being thrown around world today, that is taken for granted, that word is called freedom.
What is freedom? Freedom is the right to go and do whatever you want.
Freedom is the right to have a dream and live it.
Freedom means that you are not confined, that you are meant to find what makes you move,
what makes you feel and clinched and take and live it, it is your live.