Feel me coming- feel the tremor- hear the thunder Of your heart pound You're surrounded- no way up to- no way over To the higher ground I'm sweeping closer- roller coaster on the seven seas- feel the breeze I'm breaking down on you- there's no way out So scream and shout in Japanese Tusnami noyoonee ataku suduwaa Can you feel the riptide? Are you all washed out? A blazing tail-slide Past a waterspout Feel the reach From down below Cuz you can't fight The undertow Hold your breath, be brave, and try to keep cool I'm going to hit you like a tidal wave Crushing you- and now you're caught up in a whirlpool I'm going to hit you like a tidal wave Prepare yourself- to be breathless- feeling restless Keep from being drowned Catch the tube- you're racing forward- crouching lower At the speed of sound All coiled up to inundate you- saturate you- there's no place to hide I'll hunt you down as you surf faster- looking back completely petrified Can you feel the riptide? Are you all washed out? A blazing tailslide Past a water spout Don't fight the current Our lives converge I'll overwhelm you As we both submerge Hold your breath, be brave, and try to keep cool I'm going to hit you like a tidal wave Crushing you- and now you're caught up in a whirlpool I'm going to hit you like a tidal wave