Ohohohoho So, shall we begin? Once upon a time, lying in another place There stood a kingdom that no others dared to face Sitting, dainty, upon the throne A fourteen-year-old lady ruled the kingdom on her own In the lap of luxury, surrounded by the best Her faithful servant who was different from the rest Josephine, her most beloved horse was named Everything worth anything, her majesty had claimed Haven't any money, then you need not bat an eye Just pluck it from the hands of those yet bound to die Those who somehow sought to stand and go against her word Their execution wouldn't go unheard Now! Bow down to your queen! Hidden in the dark, an evil flower blooms Lovely petals, faintly dripping with doom Dancing in a garden full of slowly dying weeds Echoes of their cries become the power that she needs Her heart was longing for what she had hoped to be A dashing prince of blue from far across the sea But, someone already had hold of his heart A pretty girl of green threatened to tear her dream apart Overcome with jealously, she soon became obsessed She called the minister, to give him one request With a quiet voice, she made her orders clearly heard I want to see that wretched kingdom of green burn Many homes and buildings quickly faded into ash So many lives were stolen away in a flash As their painful cries for help were silenced in the blaze She sat smiling, not even fazed Oh! Is it tea time already? Hidden in the dark, an evil flower blooms Lovely petals, faintly dripping with doom Even though its beauty is enchantingly demure The thorns all hiding underneath are anything but pure A plan arose to bring the kingdom to its knees The people came together, all against the queen Marching the masses across the land A lady in red armor lead them with her sword in hand All of the anger that she caused throughout her time Engulfed her kingdom, as their livelihoods declined Growing ever tired of a never-ending war The thought of crossing soldiers didn't scare them anymore In the end, the palace was surrounded by them all The royal staff began to flee before the fall beautiful and graceful, she surrender to her fate Captured, be it already too late How dare you show such disrespect?! Hidden in the dark, an evil flower blooms fading petals, now beginning to droop What was once a paradise, a dream fit for a queen Can't sustain under their pain and crumbles underneath Once upon a time, lying in another place there stood a kingdom that no others dared to face Sitting, dainty, upon the throne A fourteen-year-old lady ruled the kingdom on her own As the clock chimed 3, then it was time to say goodbye Church bells would sing a song of justice through the sky Now this tiny girl, who people once called a queen Is sitting in a prison cell, having lost everything Finally, the hand reaches the designated time The bells ring loudly now as she averts her eyes Looking somewhere in the crowd, then swiftly to the sky She recites her role's final line Oh, is it tea time already? Hidden in the dark, an evil flower blooms Lovely petals, faintly dripping with doom Through the many years to come, they told tales of the days When the one they call the true "daughter of evil" reigned