Liz Anderson

Grandma's House

Liz Anderson

The house stands too silent with weeds overgrown the windows are broken and bare
But he holds all the mem'ries my childhood has known
For my own sweet grandma lived there
And when I was lonely to grandma I'd run and she'd hold me close for a while
One flick of a kiss she could turn on the sun and dry all my tears with one smile
My grandma's old rocker still stands in the hall of the house that's so shabby and old
But in that humble house between those battered walls
Was more happiness than it could hold
Then when I grew older it came grandma's time to leave all the world and its care
He needed a grandma and so he took mine to love all those children up there
The porch now is saggy the paint is all gone it stands all alone without care
But it holds all the mem'ries my childhood has known
For my own sweet grandma lived there