No one can help me fight my demons People say they are my friends but when I need them, they just disappear Drink whiskey to death and wait for me to come and help you What I'd do for someone no one would do for me When I die they won't shed a tear for me When I get out of high school I can part with everyone, but I don't want to part with my best friend Before I die I want to tell my best friend that I love her I don't want to die alone, but it seems life wants me to be alone forever I keep waitin' in my room for your message Always ending the conversation with I love you it melts my heart I feel alone, but I know I'm not alone in this world, I know there are people in the same situation as me I love the moments I'm alone to talk to you to hear your sweet voice Sweet voice, sweet voice I'll love you till the moment my heart stops Voices in my head tell me I'll be alone forever but with you by my side I don't feel I'll be alone