Light Among Shadows

Into The Storm

Light Among Shadows

Far we hear a thunder roar
The night lurks upon us
The rain starts to fall
And there's no sight of land

Hundreds of sailors lost their lives
Their ships never found
Wrecked into the night

Dark clouds embracing the open sea
None of us could imagine the nightmare we were sailing in

Searching for an ancient kingdom
None could ever find
A wonderland long forgotten
Lost in the tides of time

Terrible sea creatures infest these seas
Warp tentacles rising right before me

If we want to survive
We have to leave it all behind
Dark clouds embracing the open sea
None of us could imagine the nightmare we were sailing in

Searching for an ancient kingdom
None could ever find
A wonderland long forgotten
Lost in the tides of time

It's all so calm around me
Only waves I can see
There's no one left after the storm
On these seas I'm lost

Dark clouds embracing the open sea
None of us could imagine the nightmare we were sailing in

Searching for an ancient kingdom
None could ever find
A wonderland long forgotten
Lost in the tides of time