Leroy Carr

Memphis Town

Leroy Carr

Went to the station : to get me a train
Going to climb on board : and ride again

Just climb aboard : and ride around
I might get off : at Memphis town

Shovel in the coal : see the wheels go around
Everybody's going : down to Memphis town

I said conductor : where the trains all going
I want to go see : that gal of mine

He answered me : with a railroad frown
All trains going : to Memphis town

I said what's doing : down old Memphis way
The trains all going : there today

The trainman said : there's a jubilee
And Memphis is town : that's only place for me

I said to the station man : where's my train
He said I never knowed : you own the train

I said you better answer : or I'll smack you down
He said all trains going : to Memphis town

Goodbye folks : I'm on my way
See you : on some other day

Got my ticket : here's my train
Going down to Memphis : see my gal again