Leif Edling

On The Edge Of Time

Leif Edling

Silent standing silent
On the edge of time
A warrior in twilight
Beyond all sense and rhyme

A knight in shiny armour
A horseman without fear
At the wide gap of forever
The cleft between there and here

He's been there for a century
He was there yesterday
Will he know tomorrow?
Will he save the day?

For some he is a stranger
For some he is a friend
And he will be there waiting
For the world to end

The Moon is scarlet
The air is damp and cold
The knight who's watching over us
Is tired, grey and old

He never smiles, he never eats
Nobody's seen him sleep
A solitary lenseman
By that rift so deep

Forgotten is his unsung name
Forgotten is his king
Does he know what day it is
Am I wondering?

A champion from an ancient age
A soldier without line
Waiting always waiting
On the edge of time

Oh, you mighty warrior
At the great divide
You're staring down the deep
That holds the cosmic tide