Limping anastasia waits patient in the yard. For just one Hint of recognition, two strong arms. And a ticket to America where everything is better. She can hide behide a Curtain, write letters. Perhaps a handsome senator will Take her by the glove, he'll face the people helpless - They will fall in love. Oh, they'll shower her with Sympathy, they'll give her all their money. She will fly Back home again with a private army. The bombs will Decimate those towers, I'll be on my knees. I'll plead For her exquisite mercy, I'll lick her high heels clean. And I will sell my judas friends for ten years in a hole. I will sell my family, I shall sell my soul. But remember Her dark intentions. I'll just roll her chain. I'll slip A penny for the tram fare, I'll tell the driver, "don't Stop 'til spain."