Legacy five

It's The Truth

Legacy five

VS 1 
God is the creator, the master maker of everything
He gave the world through loving favor 
the only saviour, the only King
His only Son beloved Jesus came to free us
and take away our sin
On Calvary crucified for everyone He died
Then as He promised Jesus rose again
It is the truth it can be trusted and I trust it on and on
It's a promise never broken for it is spoken by God alone
It is where I place my anchor, it's the rock I stand upon
It's the truth, it can be trusted and I trust it on and on
VS 2
Now God is providing and I'm relying upon His grace
I know that I remain forever within the shelter of His embrace
I know that now with love He fashions a house of mansions
a city of the free. It it were not so, yes it's good to know
He would not have promised it to me