I walk along the morning shore I hear the birdsong, hear the oceans voice And i hear it call my name Calling me to step into its depth And I feel so drawn towards the waves And my mind is playing tricks again I can swear I see a ghost She seem familiar, from where I cant decide She seems so near and yet so far I long too join her destiny And i take a step closer to her And the waves they flow away with me One final prayer For those who cried In times of pain In times of fear A Sirens song for all those hearts torn apart And the darkness of the sea A gastly mist, its freezing me, its strangling me, I cant believe it's happening I can feel the terror grow, have I really chosen this, a deadly kiss, that drains my spirit out of me Now I take goodbye to all my life now takes another way, will fade away to where, who knows, not me nor you