
Mariam Matrem


Mariam Matrem Virginem attolite Ihesum Christum extollite concorditer.

Maria seculi asilum defende nos. Ihesu tutum refugium exaudi nos. 
Iam estis nos totaliter diffugium totum mundi confugium realiter. 

Ihesu suprema bonitas verissima. Maria dulcis pietas gratissima. 
Amplissima conformiter sit caritas ad nos quos pellit vanitas enormiter.

Maria facta saeculis salvatio. Ihesu damnati hominis redemptio. 
Pugnare quem viriliter per famulis percussus duris iaculis atrociter.

Extol Mary, the Virgin Mother, extol all Jesus Christ. 
Mary, asylum for the whole world, protect us. Jesus, refuge all of us, hear us. 
Indeed you are our place of refuge, truly a refuge for the whole world. 

Jesus, supreme and truthful good. Mary, sweet and most gracious mercy.
In the same way you show your pity to us, we who are strongly oppressed by the vanity of life.

Mary was the salvation for all, Jesus the redeem for the damned. 
Fighting ardently for their followers, bearing hard beatings and blows.