Waitin' 'til my dyin' day That's when i pack these tired blues away That's when i go to lay down in my grave That'll be my dyin' day Wonderin' what i'm workin' for Ain't gonna be your lowdown dog no more Ain't gonna bleach an' scrub your kitchen floor I wonder what i'm workin' for Making tiny feet for shoes Didn't have the right to pick 'n choose Didn't know the freedom i would lose In making tiny feet for shoes Workin' dozen to the nine Feels like i'm just servin' time Waitin' in this goddamn line Hell or heaven i'll be fine Cookin' nothin' in the pan That's the way life dealt my hand That'll be my livin' last demand To get somethin' from this land Playin' 'round the toes of time Waitin' for the spark that'll free my mind That'll put unhappiness behind