Hej Slovani, nasa rec slovanska zivo klije. These words are for those who died These words are for those who left behind These words are for you Poland And these ones for my homeland [Zivi, zivi, duh slovanski, bodi ziv na veke] For the spirit of our fathers For the glory of our sons For the power of the spector For the holy alliance Let stones crack Let the earth quake Let tempest roar Let stones crack Let the earth quake Let freedom rise [Hej Slovani, nasa rec slovanska zivo klije dokler naše verno srce za nas narod bije] These words are for lovers These words are for their heartbeats These words are for warriors And these ones for all communists [Zivi, zivi, duh slovanski, bodi ziv na veke] Out of the feudal darkness Away from the Nameless One We stand alone in history Facing east in sacrifice Let stones crack Let the earth quake Let tempest roar Let stones crack Let the earth quake Let freedom rise