A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z A(a) B(b) C(c) D(d) E(e) F(f) G(g) H(h) I(i) J(j) K(k) L(l) M(m) N(n) O(o) P(p) Q(q) R(r) S(s) T(t) U(u) V(v) W(w) X(x) Y(y) Z(z) A-Amazing B-Beautiful C-Creatures D-Dancing E-Excites the F-Forest G-Glade in my H-Heart how I-I do J-Jump like the K-Kudo L-Listening to the M-Music so N-Nice the O-Organ P-Plays, Q-Quietly R-Rests the S-Sleepy T-Tiger U-Under the V-Vine tree at the W-Water's side, and X-X marks the place 'neath the Y-Yellow moon where the Z-Zulu chief and I did hide.