Certified by whole majority, the public sings and magnifies the melody Thirty five to midnight tragedy, everyone else claps to demonstrate absurdity I'm terrified of being such a childish human being, being called beginners among this crowd starving I'm petrified and hardly gasp until announcement As a result, my voice is unpleasant Sewing tight, avoid the hole, clothes are ready Close to fight , avoid the wall of shame safely They will all vote but one only'll get the enveloppe rythm and note, beauty and pride on stage developped I'm terrified of being such a childish human being, being called be-ginners among this crowd starving I'm petrified and hardly gasp until announcement As a result, my voice is unpleasant Certified by robotic jury, get ready for a ride, polish your bike and we'll be free Sometimes you'll feel like you're useless in this hatchery Don't think about, don't ask yourself, you're ladylike Lily I'm terrified of being such a childish human being, being called be-ginners among this crowd starving I'm petrified and hardly gasp until announcement As a result, my voice is unpleasant