La Goony Chonga

Chongivity Activity

La Goony Chonga

5, 6, 7, 8

Chongivity Activity
Soy la ma' dura con mi energy
Chongivity Activity
Soy la ma' dura con mi energy
Chongivity Activity
Chongivity Activity

Soy la Goony
Y esto es pa' mí
Gettin' money, una puta si
What's it giving?
Give it all to me
And I'm doing what the fuck I want
Don't come for me
I'm becoming, doing doing what I please
Got that (Hmmju) got that good energy

What's it giving?
Give up to me
What's it giving?
Give up to me
Me, me, me, me

I'm with all the Chongivity
Chongivity Activity

Ella es chongatera, siempre me de encuera
Puta sexy y buena
Ella, ella ella te lo dice como es sea como sea
Tiene festivity con Chongivity

1, 2, 3, 4 baddies with me
Dime que tu quiere', what you want from me?
Do you want the Chongivity Activity?
Chongivity Activity
Chongivity Activity
Chongivity Activity
Chongivity Activity
Chongivity Activity
Chongivity Activity