
Unto Wormfeast Flesh


Cursed is he that heareth the words of the gospel of wrath
For he hath a new Sun within him that shineth so bright
So the smoke of his torment shall ascend forever

There is a word that teacheth our hands to war
To bring forth the day that man dawneth anew
To rejoice upon the death of the known world
To turn the lamb of God unto wormfeast flesh

A thousand voices speak through me
Yet the words are always the same

There is a word that setteth our hearts aflame
To devour the Sun and to fade the stars
To curse the mind and to burn the flesh
To reverse the order of life triumphant

These are the words that need to be spoken aloud

These are the words written in our hearts
Expressed through life infested flesh
Heralding glorious song of Omega
The birth of abomination: An avatar of death

Cursed is who readeth, and cursed is who heareth
For the black seed of pestilence hath already been sown