Terrible and dark times Are those that were in my story Of how it happened then The thing that afflicted my heart I was mortal and transitory like everyone That's why my worldly body was devastated Strong and cold as an ice floe, my soul which arised from that terrible fact Sea, sky and earth come together in my mind Creating an unknown void That's where the fearsome black beast Kramthal, arised as terrible menace from That broke my empty blindness And gave start to his vengeance Mortal and transitory My worldly body was reduced to rubbles Whip of injustices, my soul That crushed every rotter De los terribles días que acontecieron No tengo más resquicio de recuerdo De cómo todas mis esperanzas en un último vago intento, murieron. Perhaps Kramthal be my enemy or even to a greater certainty may he be my most loyal friend.