Like crusades across the infinite Night swallowed light Cursed were the minions rebellion An image of the serpents creation Reveal and enter the passage Enter into the phantoms fire Constellation - a unity in chaos The chariots of thunders arrival Sent fragments of my reflection to the void afire Behold the new breed created in my own image Brighter these eyes burned with wicked anticipation As the struggle for the black elements came to an end ...A prescious mingeling of the flesh and alien fire Held dreaming hands beneath the power to universal creation And became the utter perfection of total completion Breathe the untouched majesty of dark emotions And feel the power...the beauty of domination ...Conquering the weavers Utopia... To see them in such swarms I wondered if this could be paradise A seed for the future The fire of fate and faith set alight ...Behold the faithless and his angel...