
We Survive (translation)


Tears of happiness ride along the wind, the pleasant aroma accompanies its warmth.
Now, in this bounded world, from here to the horizon,
What do you find in those eyes that are hiding your emotions?

An unseen star journeys to heaven's sky with timidity.
Like unheard and unnoticed, flickering quietly.

Now you indulge in your colourful past.
Even in the shaky morning, even in the cold night, you must be responsible for what you say.

Being forgiven for empty tears, in this way, i want to be protected.
Now, the thin needle of time is early by one hour.
Maybe the sun is rising above us.

The square sky seems to be unbreakable this time around.
Spreading an outstretched hand, it really swims inside this small world.

Only now, it doesn't stop flowing.
Knowing its weakness, even though i only wanted to feel the heat

To cry over your dream becoming true, that is really childish and immature.
Let's fill this sudden small space with our words.
The sun draws a circle inside this plastic world.

Because of having caught these beckoning tears, before they flow even more, let's say goodbye right here.
There's no need for excuses, i shrug my shoulders.
Maybe the sun has risen in those slowly-opening eyes.