Beyond the stage where we all meet, The mirages of children kings, Sin omnium breeds reveries: All must be dead, The windmen's lurid masks & hellish laughters. Greed generation zero, wheels in the world machine, Child emperors 2000 countlessly march to the katalypse. When suicide turns shots & showers golden in siren seas And swallowing until we sleep - strangulation alpha With thirteen wounds in every hand We creep the circles for our lord, A burning star for each to gnaw, All must be dead Except the forests of the strangled necks. And through year-millions we stray million manias, A cannibal-lighthouse was built of our nights. And it drags us towards sweet assnakements Through deep gullet-tunnels with dark on each side. Fornever will a word lament, Nor any deeds our feelings show, Since somewhen times are sure to come When all is dead, In all directions throttled to the ground.