To say is the way simplest To start to decide well More always it is the start Of something new to happen Without a doubt I can make this start Without entering my professional As you want that leave I me well ' ' One day I was there for knowing somebody Of the nothing I appeared in my mind As you go to be with me Without compromising its life at the same time he says what I say Yeah says what I say (Oooh) ' ' Because to leave the beginning To be better the way and end more Not for the point in the paragraph Without knowing what it comes later It is not more what I want It can be English, Italian or Polish more it is with you ' ' One day I was there for knowing somebody Of the nothing I appeared in my mind As you go to be with me Without compromising its life at the same time he says what I say Yeah says what I say (Oooh) ' ' It does not leave me without explanations I do not make to think of more later releasing and detaching I am not a toy Plus you one day goes to arrive (OuOuooo) ' ' One day I was pra there to know somebody Of the nothing I appeared in my mind As you go to be with me Without compromising its life at the same time he says what I say Yeah says what I say (Oooh) ' ' ' ' One day I was pra there to know somebody Of the nothing I appeared in my mind As you go to be with me Without compromising its life at the same time he says what I say Yeah says what I say (Oooh) ' '