kissy (6x) It can understand more it does not go to make badly (bla.bla.bla.bla) Can decide more in the truth already one was (bla.bla.bla.bla) will be to understand already it passed the stated period (bla.bla.bla.bla) Therefore now I go to open the wings to fly (chorus) Kissy already was Kissy inherited To say some thing I already am flying As always kissy As I always kissy kissy (6x) He can enteder more he does not go to make badly (bla.bla.) He can decide more in the truth already he was himself (bla.bla.bla) will be itself to understand already he passed the stated period (bla.bla.bla.bla) Therefore now I go to open the wings to fly Kissy already was Kissy inherited To say some thing I already am flying As always kissy As I always kiss y To fly (I will fly) I go to fly (I will fly) I go to fly (I will fly) I ALWAYS GO TO FLY To fly (I will fly) I go to fly (I will fly) I go to fly (I will fly)