King Of Asgard

For The Fury Of The Norse

King Of Asgard

For the memory of heathen men
For the fury of the norse
For the our brethren that fell and went
For the fury of the norse

Save us

United in blood
Kindered as one
In reverent devotion
For the lost ones

Slain by treachery
In doubtless rapture
In honor and blood vengeance
Wore the redded crown

For the ones that buried
Their daughters and sons
For the fury of the norse
For the traitors, cowards
With cloven tongues

For the fury of the norse
From shallow graves
Under the spear and the hammer
Yet we resemble their ways
From the waters of truth

They bravely fought the world
The tragic and the great loss
The tragic loss

For the memory of heathen men
For the fury of the norse
For the our brethren that fell and went
For the fury of the norse