King Of Asgard

Death And a New Sun

King Of Asgard

Three harsh life threads ravel
Entangled worlds. Poison flood the earth
Boiling seas, heavens burn, chains unseen-burst
Moon-hunt, Sun-hunt, Darkness
Snake-waves, Raging-flames, Fated
Twisting-writhing, serpent
As mirrored in the well

Solen Svartnar, Jorden Sjunker
Himlen Rämnar, Trädet Falnar
Death, and a new Sun

An axe age, a sword age, blood feud
A wind age, a wolf age, Quiver
Feeding famine with hunger, Shudder

One by the aesirs
One by the giants
One by the nifelheim
Fate being necessity shapes crushed
At the end of the flesh of Ymir
Giall aloft, Blow

Fjätter Brista, Ormen Vrider
Elden Lågar, Världen Dör
Death and a new Sun