King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard

Sam Cherry's Last Shot

King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard

Early that morning, the wagon-master of a train came into the post
Greatly excited, and reported that the dead body of a man and horse had been found in the road about six miles from the post
A company of infantry was immediately ordered out
and proceeding to the spot found the body of Sam Cherry, pinned fast to the ground by the dead body of his horse
The search was continued, and in a lateral canon were found the bodies of Sergeant Love and the three privates riddled with bullets, mutilated and disfigured
but giving every evidence of having sold their lives as brave men should
The trails were examined and the whole story worked out

The party had traveled along the road nearly to the entrance of the canon of the Limpia, known as the Wild Rose Pass
when suddenly about thirty mounted Indians dashed from the bushes along the stream, cutting it off from retreat towards the Fort, and driving it up the lateral canon
Suspecting a trap, Sam Cherry suddenly turned, dashed through the line of Indians, regained the road, and ran for life
away from the Fort, followed by a number of yelling savages
He was evidently doing well, when his horse stumbled and fell breaking his neck, and pinning Sam's leg to the ground
In an instant, he was surrounded by the exultant Indians
Raising himself slightly, Sam fired five shots at his enemies, then turning the muzzle against his own temple
he escaped the tortures of their vindictive rage by his last shot
The baffled and terrified Indians went away as fast as their ponies could carry them, not touching the body, not even taking the arms 
Such is the way out in the west
People die by extreme barbaric ways
We’ve taken their lands, and in return they take our viscera and spread it across the desert lands