The bad, white men call him the devil The Yavapai call him: Eyes Like the Sky This story takes place in the hinterlands of the newly formed United States And territories in the years before and after the great conflagration called the Civil War Men roam and fight each other to simply stay breathing Muskets give way to repeating rifles, cannons give way to Gatling guns War nurtures weapons, but weapons clear the land In the deserts of the southwest, old hatreds grow into new ones Old beliefs are shattered by gunfire and charging horses Into this cauldron of fire rides a young man who becomes a shadowed legend His name even takes on the mantle of the bogeyman in some homes Among the first Americans, his name is exalted from wickiups to longhouses From teepees to cliff dwellings Among the men of the badlands, he's feared for his silent walk And swift, economical dispatching of his enemies