A is for apple B is for butt C is for catbutt D is for doo doo E is for elephant doo doo F is for fart G is for gorilla doo doo H is for huge gorilla fart I is for eyeball J is for jammies K is for kid fart L is for loud and long farts M is for monkey butt N is for saying good night night or nap time (??something like that??) O is for Oh! P is for panda peeing and pooping in her potty while papa plays peek a boo Q is for quebert R is for robotic monkey who's going to take over the world S is for stinky T is for turd U is for uh oh V is for flying V (?) W is for wee wee X is for exactomundo Y is for yuckie and yummy and you and Z is for farts that smell like the zoo